Wednesday 31 August 2016

Preacher beaten up for preaching in the gym

A preacher got the beating of his life for daring to preach inside a gym in Kenya. A Kenyan preacher reportedly got battered by some gym attendants who decided to teach him a lesson for preaching inside the gym. The freelance preacher identified as Pastor Levi who usually visits private homes and businesses and even the county market to preach, visited a fitness gym in Kakamega, taking his message of the gospel with him in a bid to encourage gym users to ‘change their ways and COVER UP’.
Share on Facebook Share on Twitter violence Not real photo Starting his sermon, he said “No one goes to the gym with plausible intention, allow me ten minutes to share a word with your members. The gym instructor identified as Pablo attempted to walk him out of the premises, but the trainers asked him to allow him say what he came to say. They reportedly said “Muache aseme chenye anataka (Let him say what he came for).” As soon as he got the chance, he launched into a full-on attack on the attendants saying: “You are greedy eaters and drinkers who never fast and pray that’s why you have registered for aerobics. You spend thousands every month to cut weight when you could simply pray and fast then take the thousands to orphans and widows if you were true to the biblical teachings.” Read more:

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